Someone who can tell you all about the museums and monuments,
someone who knows a lot of amazing little known facts about Paris, about France,
and about the French in general, and who makes your visit smooth, safe, memorable and fun.
Someone who can not only enhance your experience of the "must-see" places
such as the Louvre and Versailles, but who can also entice you to venture off the beaten path
and help you discover the "not-so-famous-but-totally-worthwhile" places
which will be brought back to life (almost) just for you.
Well, you are just a few clicks away from finding that "someone".
(and a lot more)
(oh boy, oh boy...)

And who says that a navigation menu HAS to be at the top of the page anyway?

“A mind is like a parachute. It doesn't work if it is not open.” - Frank Zappa
Now, how about pouring yourself a glass of wine (keeping the bottle within easy reach) and let's get started!

Imagine having your own private guide!
Please note that this website works best on a computer rather than hand-held devices.